The best place to live

Everybody has his own dream, and they are all different. For example, someone wants to create a family, wants to open his own business, and wants to succeed in his career, while others just simply exist.

Anyway, I think, that everyone just wants to find the best place to live, where he will be happy and feel comfortable himself.

As for me, “the best place to live” once associated with a native land. It seems nothing special about it, but it’s close to soul. Native land has always been associated with the house, with mother, family and friends. It’s the place, where the development and knowledge of the world start, that’s place of the first steps in learning, the first feeling and other first strong impression. Therefore, it is soclose for everyone, as memories of childhood as a link with the past. If you ask other people to answer the question: What is the best place to live?

Perhaps many people will offer a variety of countries with extremely beautiful and unique cities. For example: Australia, London, Paris, Los-Angeles, New- York and others. Of course, everyone wants to be part of these cities, live in there, and possibly, deep inside a part of me would not refuse the thought. But maybe the feeling of patriotism still stronger and gives way to another.

I know some English proverbs and here is one of them – “There is no place like home”. Really, the best place is our own country, city, town or village. We never forget it no matter where we are.

And my own country is Kazakhstan. It is the country, which has the unique nature, the hardworking people and the original traditions.  In addition, I am proud of the history of my country and its historical traditions. I hope I am prepared to do more for its future. My place is close to me because I have family, so many friends here. Now I cannot imagine my life without them.

I would like to draw the conclusion of my composition with another proverb “Every bird likes its own nest”. I liked my “Nest”, I do and I will. And of course I will do everything to make it the most beautiful and the best place to live.





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Комментарии (7)

Aigerim, your composition is another reason for me to feel pettiness) You write very beautifully about patriotic feelings and it really touches the soul. But you've said too little about advantages and preferences of our country itself. There is an impression that the mother land is only one reason for your love to Kazakhstan. Bul you're great! Thank you!

oooh))) I wrote about my homeland too) we think alike Very touching words)) I also think that the best place in all the world is Kazakhstan.

You a real patriot!!! you can find very beutiful words to decsribe our homeland! you are there is no place better than home! keep it up!!!!

I am very glad that you are such a patriot. I believe that you are very happy that you were born here) Keep going!!!

I like your choice! And I agree with you. Actually Motherland  the best  place to live!I am touched by your blog!!!

i like you thoughts, your opinion!!! I like how you wrote about our country! i like that you use idioms! Thanks for patriotic blog!

Aygerim I really liked your blog. You touched very important things; such as childhood, parents, etc. Although I do not share your sense of patriotism, but you said it all very true. I like your conclusion, it is perhaps the most correct words.)

“Every bird likes its own nest” — this is true.It doesn't matter whether or not you are a patriot.

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